All you bring is your food, sleeping bag, personal gear and weapon. Hunters and their gear are packed in an out on horseback. Each hunt includes a mid-hunt camp check and kill site pick-up if reachable by horseback. If kill isn't reachable by horseback it is the responsibility of the hunter to assist in game packing.
This is the most economical package to provide you with the tools you need for high success. Each camp keeps three well-broke horses, one for the guide and two others to rotate between the hunters in camp to cover lots of ground in a day's time. A well-trained wrangler/guide will be in camp to help feed, saddle and care for the horses, as well as provide the camp with hunting tips, location of hot spots and to care for game. He can also help guide each hunter on a rotating basis. You furnish food for you and the wrangler/guide (he is in your camp to take care of horses and assist you in locating wildlife—he is not a cook).
A 2x1 fully guided hunt in one of our camps with horses, a campjack, and food included. This hunt enables you to spend more time in the woods and less time around the camp. It gives you a campjack to take care of the morning's breakfast, as well as the evening meal, and a well-trained guide to improve your odds of success.
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